Make a payment
- In order to maintain efficient bookkeeping and records management, the following procedures have been adopted.
- Water meters will be read from the 7th - 14th of each month. Water bills will be mailed on or before the 1st of each month. Water bills are payable no later than the 15th of each month or a penalty will be added. No second notice will be given. If payment is not made by the 20th of the month, service will be discontinued and a fee of $35.00 charged before service is resumed during regular business hours. All accounts must also be compliant with the current deposit fee requirements prior to reconnection. Any meter lock damaged by customer will be charged to customer or the meter will be subject to removal.
- Any communication concerning water bills or service should be directed to the Jenkinsburg City Hall Staff and not the Jenkinsburg Public Works Personnel.
After hours emergency: 470-303-0788
Rates for custormers residing inside Butts County:
Rates for customers residing inside Butts County will be as follows:
$14.00 for 2,000 gallons
$6.50 for every 1,000 gallons thereafter
Rates for customers residing outside of Butts County will be as follow:
$17.00 for 2,000 gallons
$7.25 for every 1,000 gallons thereafter
Water Account Deposit Fee
Returned Check/NSF Fee
Fee per check/NSF $35.00
Reconnect Service Fee:
During Normal Work Hours Only - $35.00
Meter Tampering:
Penalty: Removal of Meter – $200.00
Inside Butts County Tap Fees will be as follows: (Back Flow - $40.00)
¾ Tap – $1,200.00 - 1” Tap - $1,450.00 - 2” Tap - $3,000.00 plus materials
Outside Butts County Tap Fees will be as follows: (Back Flow - $30.00)
¾ Tap – $1,450.00 - 1” Tap - $1,600.00 - 2” Tap - $3,250.00 plus materials
The rates were adopted 11/28/22 by the Jenkinsburg City Council.